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USB-C to 3.5mm cable with 4meson VS USB-C to 3.5mm cable with 3meson, which one is better conference?

By |May 3rd, 2020|News|

Popularly known as 3.5mm Audio cables,we just know that

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Linklug factory is an cables professinal manufacture,we are producing different kinds of cables, main production are 8K HDMI cable 2.1v , 4K HDMI cable 2.0v, Active Optic Cable,Fast charging cable, Waterproof cable,Engineering cable, Speaker cable, Outdoor cables,choose the right one according to your demand, Linklug can provide OEM & ODM,make you the best partner!

Copper HDMI cable’s processing

Active Optical Cable8K 4K Fiber HDMI cable’s processing

Fast Charging USB C3 1 Gen2

8K Active Optic cable process and test